Herman Now Offers Union Labor in New York City

Written 2018-01-18 by Staci Walter

Tampa, January 17, 2018 – Herman Integration Services(www.Herman-IS.com), the leading nationwide provider of technical and labor resources to commercial and residential systems integrators in the AV industry, is now providing much needed Union labor in New York City.

Unified Global Services (UGS) has joined Herman Integration Services as Herman’s new union labor division. Now, Herman clients have a CWA union labor resource in New York!

“Providing union labor in New York enables Herman to be a more valued resource in supporting the needs of our partners. UGS is a perfect fit with Herman, because of their culture and talented team. We are excited to bring this new level of service to our valued customers.”
– Chris Bianchet, President Herman Integration Services.

Herman has a qualified team ready to assist integrators with structured cabling and AV integration. In addition, the 3,500-square foot facility located in Brooklyn, gives integrators ample space to stage projects as a gateway into New York and Herman can fabricate racks in house.

“UGS and Herman are a winning combination for our clients! We have the technicians and services that can help them grow.”
– Michael Kabatsky, SVP UGS Union Labor Division.

About Herman
Herman is a leading provider of professional AV products, procurement services, and labor and technical resources to systems integrators in the commercial and residential AV and broadcast industries. Systems integrators rely on Herman for trained, experienced personnel and complete project coordination. Celebrating 55 years in business, Herman has leveraged its industry experience to help integrators improve operational efficiencies and achieve cost savings related to the procurement and management of project materials and labor resources. Visit www.HermanAVGroup.com to learn more.